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Library Loan Service

The NTUA Library operates as a lending library for all the members of the NTUA community. In order to be able to borrow items, it is necessary to possess a library card.

The loan period depends on the type of the borrowed material and the user’s status (faculty members, technical staff, scientific assistants, administrative staff, undergraduate, postgraduate students and PhD candidates). The user’s status is confirmed by showing the library card which is strictly personal.

It is not allowed for individuals who do not possess a library card to borrow an item, but it is allowed to use the collection (electronic or printed) within the library space and to photocopy part of the printed material they are interested in.

In order to obtain a library card, the following are required:

  1. Electronic application submission through the Library page, selecting “OPAC NTUA ILSas Catalog”” and then “New library member registration”.
  2. Academic identity demonstration (student card) which is also verified as a library card for faculty members, technical staff, scientific assistants, administrative staff, undergraduate, postgraduate students and PhD candidates.

The users who can’t obtain a student card, but are eligible for a library card, need to bring a recent photograph and a confirmation of eligibility from the proper faculty (not for the educational, administrative and technical staff).

For further information you may visit the Library Loan service Regulation  and the Frequently Asked Questions .