It includes over 3700 books and covers all thematic categories. This is the collection of NetLibrary, which is now hosted by EBSCO.

Full text to approximately 170 titles of book series, 91 of those are now available through the platform of Emerald.

Full text to approximately 20 titles of handbooks.

Full text to 58 titles of encyclopedias.

Full text to approximately 400 titles of electronic books of the following collections: Chemical, Petrochemical and Process Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Collection, Electronics and Electrical Engineering.

Full text to approximately 140 titles of e-book series of the collections of Emerald Business, Management and Economics και Emerald Social Sciences. Three of the series titles (Innovation and Leadership in English Language Teaching, Syntax and Semantics, Studies in Writing) purchased by Brill and is now available only through its platform.

Full text access to the conference proceedings of the IEEE.

Full text to more than 2500 titles of electronic books.

Full text to approximately 45000 titles of electronic books containing monographs, book series and reference works (encyclopedias, atlases, handbooks etc.).

Full text to approximately 500 titles of electronic books related to Archaeology, Classical studies and Law.

Full text to more than 20.000 titles of electronic books.
Ανοικτής πρόσβασης.

The “Kallipos” Repository gathers books, handbooks and learning objects, which were either produced within the framework of the “Hellenic Academic Electronic (Text)books” project or submitted in the course of an open call for Open Access scientific content. The “Kallipos” repository aims at the organized presentation, storage and long-term preservation of open-access (text)books and learning objects for the academic and research community.

Full text to more than 15.000 electronic books of 300 publishers.

Full text to more than 8.000 electronic academic books of several distinguished publishers, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences.

It is a platform for open access eBooks with more than 20.000 titles in categories such as: architecture, computers, mathematics, science, transportation, technology and engineering.

Full text to more than 5.000 electronic books.

Full text to more than 550 electronic books of several distinguished university presses.

Full text to more than 500 electronic books.

Full text to 400 electronic academic books of Taylor & Francis.