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FAQ Loan regulation

I do not belong to the NTUA community. Can I borrow books?

Users that do not belong to the NTUA community, have the right to use the Library services except for the loan right and the inter-library loan right.

I am a graduate of the NTUA. Can I borrow books? What procedure should I follow?

The library gives loan rights to alumni students after obtaining a library card.

The NTUA Alumni apart from submitting the e-application and a recent photo, it is additionally required to:

  • Pay an annual membership fee of 30 euros
  • Demonstrate a utility bill such as an electricity bill.

Loan right is given to the members of the Library with the approval of the Head of the Central Library and after the deposition of the necessary documents.

I am a member of the NTUA community. Why do I need the Library Card?

The Library Card is necessary for the use of the Loan and Inter-library Loan Services whether you are in the campus area or not.

How do I get a Library Card?

You can obtain a library card by:

  1. Completing an e- application through the webpage of the Library.
  2. Demonstrating the student or academic card, which the librarian converts to library card for the undergraduate students, post-graduate and PhD students, Academic Staff, Administrative Scientific Staff, Researchers Lab Staff, and generally the NTUA’s staff.

The users who can’t obtain a student card need to bring:

  • A recent photograph and a certification from the proper faculty (not for the educational, administrative and technical staff).

Where and when do I receive the Library Card?

A librarian converts the student or academic card to a library card. The Library card which is provided to the users who don’t have a student card is given to them at the Circulation Desk after sending them an informative e-mail.

I lost my card, changed address what am I doing?

For any change (residence address, phone number, e-mail and for the card loss) you must immediately notify the Circulation office or desk.

E-mail: libloan@central.ntua.gr, tel. 210 772 1576 (Zografou, 08:30 – 14 : 00) & 210 772 3313 (Patission, 8:30 – 18:00).

For how long can I borrow an item? Which are my loan rights?

According to the loan regulation

I need an item which has already being borrowed. What can I do?

You can make a hold if all the items are not available. Holds can be made either directly from you through the bibliographic catalog or upon your request at the information counter. You can make up to two (2) reservations. Reservations are subject to priority. The reserved item is held for a period of three (3) business days and then the reservation on the account of the first interested party, ceases to be in effect. You will be notified of the arrival of the material you requested by e-mail or telephone.

I need the material I have borrowed for a longer period of time. What should I do?

You can renew your borrowed item depending on its category, as long as it is not overdue, unless it is on hold by another user.

You can renew your items via:

I forgot to return the material I borrowed what should I do?

You must immediately return the material to the Library. You must be consistent with the material return dates. Various sanctions and penalties are foreseen. For more information, please refer to the Loan Regulation.

I lost or destroyed borrowed material. What should I do?

Reported damage or loss of an item will be charged for at the current replacement value or repair cost. Otherwise it must be replaced by a new identical copy, or by another item at the current value and within the same subject area proposed by the Library’s Acquisition Department, phone line: 210-772 1473 (Zografou), 210-7723717 (Patision).

How can I use the Circulation Service via Web?

Through the online catalog Log in to the Library account using the library card’s barcode (or the academic identity’s barcode) and a pin by selecting Submit.

In this way you can:
1. see your loans
2. Renew an item
3. Make a hold
4. View the history of your loans
5. Make lists

How do I create My PIN for the first time?

Through the online catalog ⇒Log in to the Library account by inserting the barcode of the card and then creating your pin by placing at least 6 alphanumeric characters in Latin and following the system instructions step by step.

I forgot my password (pin). What should I do?

Through the online catalog ⇒Log in to the Library account by selecting the Did you forget your PIN? and follow the system instructions step by step.

Can I borrow a dictionary or a journal?

Journals, dictionaries and other information material (encyclopedias, handbooks) cannot be borrowed but can be used within the library where photocopying facility is provided.