Κομίζω Γλαύκας εις Αθήνας.

Library Certifications: DSpace & Clearance Paper

After completion of the presentation of your work/thesis to the examination committee of your school, follow the following steps:

  • Online submission of your work/thesis to DSpace@NTUA
  • Send an email to dspacentualib@mail.ntua.gr with the subject “Confirmation of submission”, including in the text of the message, the full name, the school (abbreviation), the level of studies (Undergraduate, MSC-postgraduate, PHD-doctoral, etc. a.) and the title of the work.
  • Request for obtaining a Certificate of Non – Obligations towards the Library (Clearance Paper) by using the electronic service Ask a Librarian,  selecting as Help subject: “Library Loan Service” including the NTUA Registration Number and Faculty.

*For work/thesis related to the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, contact the Library of the Patision Branch at the following phone number: 210 7723313.

Contact phone numbers: 2107724017 & 3878