Κομίζω Γλαύκας εις Αθήνας.

FAQ Material acquisition

Why the library does not accept orders from faculty members?

The library cannot execute all orders due to limited funding from the university’s budget. The Library Committee is Responsible for such decisions.

Does the library receive additional funding?

The Library services are funded by the university’s budget for the Central Administration. It is not funded by the programs of the Special Research Account (ELKE).

What can I do if Ι definitely need certain material?

You should submit a request through the representative of the Faculty to the Library Committee. You must include a justification and an estimated cost.

For more information please contact Mr. Alexandros Iliakis. Phone: 2107724095 e-mail: ailiak@mail.ntua.gr.

Who can place orders though via Eudoxus system?

The faculties propose the required textbooks and only based on the advice of the academic staff.

How often do orders take place within a year?

The Eudoxus orders take place twice yearly (once each semester) when the platform of the ministry of education is available for such orders.

For more information please contact Ms. Alexandra Palaiou. Phone: 2107721473 e-mail: alpal@central.ntua.gr.