The National Technical University of Athens in accordance the decision of the 83rd Hellenic Universities Rector’s Synod on the 28th of January 2017 has obtained a license to the anti plagiarism software Turnitin.
This application compares the texts of student papers with texts from the internet, with published papers (such as journal articles and books), with papers submitted to Turnitin by other students and with those available at the Institutional Repositories of the Hellenic Universities. In addition, it provides the ability to detect possible plagiarism in a translated text.
The Turnitin software is currently used globally by more than 15.000 educational institutions, with 1,6 million professors and 26 million students.
Each paper or article is compared with the Turnitin database which includes:
- More than 61 billion WebPages
- More than 637 million student papers
- More than 160 million articles from academic textbooks and publications in cooperation with major scientific publishers (CrossCheck, Gale, Emerald Journals, SAGE Reference, Pearson, McGraw-Hill, ABC CLIO, EbscoHost, Wiley etc)
The use of the software is available to. It is implemented by creating an account at software platform through web based access. The institutional account will be used as a user name.
Those members interested to register with Turnitin should sent an email through their institutional account with the subject “Register to Turnitin”, to the administrator Alexandros Iliakis (
Note: The Turnitin reports for possible plagiarism are clearly indicative and they should be evaluated by the faculty members and the teaching and research associates.
Contact: Alexandros Iliakis, 2107724095,