Κομίζω Γλαύκας εις Αθήνας.


The database by H.W. Wilson is available through the EBSCOHOST platform. It offers 55 years (1929-1984) of art literature, including indexing of nearly 600 publications, many of which are peer-reviewed, and citations of over 25,000 book reviews.
English translation of Franco Montanari’s Vocabolario della Lingua Greca. With an established reputation as the most important modern dictionary for Ancient Greek, it brings together 140000 headwords taken from the literature, papyri, inscriptions and other sources of the archaic period up to the 6th Century CE, and occasionally beyond.
A series of English handbooks, on a wide variety of subjects and persons from the Classical Antiquity and their reception in European culture. Designed for students and scholars, the books explain what sources there are, what methodologies and approaches are appropriate in dealing with them, what issues arise and how they have been treated, and what room there is for disagreement.

A unique work that brings together the latest research from across a range of disciplines which contribute to the knowledge of Ancient Greek, offering a systematic and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the history and study of Ancient Greek. It is an indispensable research tool for scholars and students of Greek, of linguistics, and of other Indo-European languages, as well as of Biblical literature.

An art resource, scholarly updated, that covers global art and architecture from prehistory to present day. It includes 30.000 signed and peer-reviewed articles contributed by over 7.000 scholars from around the world, accompanied by images, bibliographies, and links to additional resources.
An art resource that is scholarly updated and covers global art and architecture from prehistory to present day. It includes 30000 signed and peer-reviewed articles contributed by over 7000 scholars from around the world, accompanied by images, bibliographies, and links to additional resources.
A comprehensive research tool that gives access to over 50.000 books, journal articles, book chapters, book reviews and dissertations on the philosopher Aristotle and his influence. The bibliography covers more than 100 years of publication in a broad range of languages.
A useful tool for scholars of Greek and Latin antiquity, as the first point of reference for information on the ancient grammarians, in particular for research into the history of philology, grammar and ancient scholarship. More than 300 grammarians are currently available online.
Access to the German encyclopedic work for the ancient world Metzler’s Der Neue Pauly and to its English version Brill’s New Pauly. The encyclopedic coverage and high academic standard of the work and its interdisciplinary and contemporary approach have made the New Pauly an unrivaled modern reference work for the antiquity. There is an extensive coverage of Greco-Roman antiquity covering more than two thousand years of history, while emphasizing the long and influential aftermath of antiquity and the process of continuous reinterpretation and revaluation of the ancient heritage, including the history of classical scholarship.
A collection of reference works that complement and enrich the encyclopedic work New Pauly Online. It brings together 6 major reference works for the study of the ancient world and its reception in later centuries. The collection consist of the following titles: 1. Chronologies of the Ancient World, 2. Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts, 3. Historical Atlas of the Ancient World, 4. The Reception of Myth and Mythology, 5. The Reception of Classical Literature, 6. The History of Classical Scholarship.
Access to the journal titles that have been “triggered” and are available through Portico. Portico is a service which offers a permanent archive of electronic scholarly journals, thereby providing protection against the potential loss of access (e.g. cessation of a publisher’s operations, discontinuation of a title by a publisher, termination of license agreement etc.) to e-content of HEAL-Link Collection.
Access to the bibliographic and citation database of Elsevier, with simultaneous search to more than 21.500 titles of scientific journals, to more than 116.000 e-books and to the World Wide Web. It offers the possibility of automatic linking to the full text of the articles of the subscribed titles to HEAL-Link. The SCOPUS database includes also citation indexes in all the sectors of science and technology. Authors can search for the references that have been made to their work and identify their own h-index.
A collection of newly published Greek inscriptions and studies on previously known documents. SEG presents complete Greek texts of all new inscriptions with a critical apparatus, it summarises new readings, interpretations and studies of known inscriptions, and occasionally presents the Greek text of these documents.
Full-text access to literary works, dated from the Homer (8 c. B.C.) to 1453 A.D. Today, TLG contains more than 110 million words from over 10,000 works associated with 4,000 authors. To access the TLG database, in addition to the IP addresses that have already been registered to the provider, each user is necessary to create an account.